Sunday, December 12, 2010

Study of Corinthians

1 Corinthians Ch 1
You have to admire the way the Apostle Paul introduces himself through the letters he writes, he addresses the church then jumps straight into the unity we have in Jesus Christ 1 Cor 1:1-2.  Then he provides a blessing and thanks to God for the work he has done in his Bros in Christ 1 Cor 1:2-4.  Paul testifies that God has blessed them and they are not lacking in any spiritual gifts as they wait for the revealing of Jesus Christ 1 Cor 1:7. 
If only today's Pastors, Teachers etc kept the same enthusiasm, with their focus on Jesus Christ and the workings of the Holy Spirit.  Sometimes it almost seems like they follow a different Gospel, as to that of the church beginnings. 
His letter starts as an encouragement a real faith builder and reminds them of the purpose of the church in bringing Glory to Jesus the founder of our faith 1 Cor 1:2, Heb 12:2. 
Paul then addresses some of the issues he has heard from Chloe’s people that need to be dealt with as there have been struggles within the church.  It would seem from the argument that the problem was secondary to pride, each claiming that their path was right and the other was wrong.  1 Cor 1:27.  Sets the agenda,  ‘God chose what is foolish to shame the wise’ says Paul; they seemed to forget that Jesus is the author of their faith Heb 12:2, and started labels such as I am of Paul, I am of Apollos etc 1 Cor 1:12
1 Corinthians Ch 2
Paul came to Corinth after visiting Athens Acts 18:1, he stayed with an Italian couple Aquila and his wife whom were tent makers Acts 18:3 and as Paul was a tent make by trade he worked in with them Acts 18:31 Cor ch2 tells us clearly that Paul did not exalt himself in any way, in fact he approached in fear and trembling 1 Cor 2:3.  Paul’s humility never ceases to amaze me 1 Cor 2:4 it is evident that he spoke in layman's terms that all could understand and allowed Gods Spirit to do the convincing 1 Cor 2:4-5.  Gods wisdom makes fools of the intellects Job 18:21,  This is evident as those that thought they knew it all were the ones that crucified Christ 1 Cor 2:8Acts 13:27, John 7:48, Matt 11:25.  Jesus Christ is the mystery kept secret throughout the ages Rom 16:25 the prophecies throughout the old testament and even up to the crucifixion confirm this.  Paul declares that the Spirit is what reveals the deep things of God not our intellectual understanding 1Cor2:10

It is no wonder the church struggles so in this day of age, where education of high is thrust upon is.  In recent times I have been reading vein efforts of theologians trying to fathom the things of God, unless it is revealed by Gods Spirit then most of the time it is more likely to be foolishness.  1 Cor 2:14 tells us clearly that the natural man just does not understand the things of God as they cannot be revealed apart from Gods Spirit.  I even include much of the religious leaders of today as the same were baffled in times past John 7:48.  Those that walk in the Spirit know the mind of Christ 1 Cor 2:16, as they walk in his lordship.  Remember Jesus walked at one with the Father John 10:38, we also walk at one with Jesus thus walk in the will of the father 1 Cor 2:6.  This of course is when we walk a Spirit filled life and not according to the flesh.
1 Corinthians Ch 3
Here Paul addresses where the Corinthians are in their faith, they are still babes (as new) in their faith still feeding off the milk. For if they had started to mature they would have been ready to get into the meat, of the Gospel 1 Cor 3:1-2.   This was evident in their behavior, such as jealousy, strife and divisions 1 Cor 3:3-4, where there is jealousy, selfishness and disorder this is not of God James 3:16.   It is easy to get the opinion here that the Corinthians were in a similar situation as the Hebrews, where the Hebrews were at a stage that they should have been Teachers but they were still in the infancy of their faith Heb 5:12.  Doesn’t the vs's, Cor 3:4-5 remind you of the Church today, I am a Baptist, I am a Pentecostal, I am a Lutheran need I say more?  Paul starts to unfold the different elements of the body of Christ, one does the planting whilst another does the watering but the rewards will be according to the labor not necessarily the task, gift or service provided 1 Cor 3:8-9.  Paul gives an example of himself being the Master Builder laying the foundations, whilst another comes and puts up the structure 1 Cor 3:10, he does make it clear that there is another foundation greater than all Jesus Christ 1 Cor 3:11, Isa 28:16.

More to be added

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Radical Evangelists - Interesting Video

This couple have not picked up on what it really means to "believe" the Bible states many will say "Lord Lord" and will be told depart from me I never knew you. Contact us if you have any doubt and want to know how you can make Jesus your Lord & Saviour.

Video Provided by Living Waters Living Waters Home Page

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gods Love

Note - Mouse Over Bible Verse To Read

God sending his Son Jesus that we might have life in all its fullness, is the ultimate gift that God could give.  Gods forgiveness is never ending, to recieve forgivenss we just need to ask and accept in faith. John 7:37-38, John 3:16, Eph 1:7, Rom 3:23

1st - Acknowledge you have sinned, e.g. told a lie, stolen, used God's name in vien, unforgivness to others, the list goes on.

2nd - Accept that Jesus took the punishment for your sin and ask forgivness

3rd - Repent from your sin (note this is an ongoing process)

4th - Ask God for the Holy Spirit to come and live within you, the Holy Spirit is our comforter and strength, Luke 11:13 - John 14:16 - John 14:26

5th -  So now that we are saved by Gods Grace Eph 2:8 does this then mean we can do as we please?  Not at all, Grace is offered when we Repent (turn away from our sin's and have a change of heart) Jas 2:18, Jas 2:20-26

6th - Read the Bible Daily, there is a free audio down load here  (Free Audio Bible Click Here) , or if you would prefer a software program and Bibles you can Click Here Bibles and Software from Esword.  Why not download them both, listen whilst you read, these programs are free, however I encourage you to donate (note I gain no benefit other than knowing you will be blessed)

6th - Before you leave this site, if you do not know Jesus and would like to know more or if you are a Christian and would like to share your faith with others,  then please go to  Steps of Salvation Click Here 
It is an easy step by step walk to faith. (note provided by another source).  Or you can contact us here Contact Page.

Let us know of your story, we may even post it with your permission of course, contact us through our contact page  Contact Page

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Faith building through Bible Study

Note - Mouse Over Bible Verse To Read

Hi and thank you for visiting this Blog, may you be blessed and nurtured by the Holy Spirit during your visit.  

Today I would like to share with you the steps I have taken recently to build my faith (Rom 10:17) and relationship with God.  I have been continuing studies online by Pastor Ralph Wilson mentioned in an earlier post; a little About Pastor Ralph Wilson Click Here .  His studies are pretty well straight from the Bible and not "transformed into modern day thinking" yet, very easy to understand and follow.  Pastor Ralph in his email courses which are free if you do the email correspondence version over a period of approximately 8 weeks (please consider donating as you will enjoy).  There is an Ezine (eg written version) and if you choose, an Audio MP3 version to down load.   In my studies I like to use both alongside my Bible, this doubles the sensory input.  Note I have also copied the MP3 files to C.D. so that I can listen to the study in the car going to work etc.  

For those that prefer to obtain outright e.g. as an immediate down load, Dr Ralph Wilson has an EBook version that can be downloaded straight away at a token cost.  I say a token cost as the wealth you will obtain from his material far exceeds in value.  

Enjoy Gods Grace, Blessings in Jesus Name Amen

Monday, August 30, 2010

Something to think about, life is short and Jesus has given us so much to look forward to

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spiritual Growth

Note - Mouse Over Bible Verse To Read

Growing Spiritually can be a tough time, obstacles that can hinder our growth can be

- Time
- Finances
- Level of commitment

The story goes Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Rom 10:17).  There are several ways to feeding your Spirit they are, with Gods Word eg read your Bible, memorize scripture or you can listen to the Bible by MP3file.  (Jesus said if you believe in me, out of your inner most being shall flow Rivers of Livning Water), John 7:37-38

Faith Comes by Hearing is a site where you can down load the bible for free as an MP3 file; they provide various versions of the bible, and there is the dramatized version or the non drama version. 
(Note hundreds of language translations,  not just English)

The audible version of the Bible means you can burn it to a C.D. listen to it in a player, or copy it to an MP3 Player to listen from.  I listen whilst I am driving thus it is easy to free up time and give Spiritual Growth more commitment.  I also like to listen to the audio version at the same time I read Gods Word. 

Do not forget freely you have received so freely give and donate!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Spiritual Battles

 Note - Mouse Over Bible Verse To Read

Faith development comes from spending time with God, the Apostle Paul suggests we renew our minds, or our way of thinking Rom 12:2.  Considering we live in a hard and fast world full of commercialism and distractions this can be quite a task.  By spending more time seeking Godly pleasures e.g. reading Gods Word, time in prayer and meditation, we can restructure our minds and the way we think.  Yes as Christians we can meditate on Gods on word (Psalm 145:5), we can contemplate on God's creation, his Holiness and our Salvation.  1 Tim 4:13-15 The apostle Paul is telling Timothy to cling onto his Spiritual gifts and Prophetic Words, Timothy is advised by Paul to be "absorbed" in them.  

The Bible teaches us that we are in a Spiritual War! Eph 6:18, full of deceptions that can lead us astray.  Put on the Armor of God, Eph 6:11, in the Amplified Bible it states "which God supplies".  He does this through his Holy Spirit and his word, therefore we need to be entrenched in his word (the Bible) as this is our sword,  meditate diligently on the word of God and spend time in prayer (converse with God) or how can you stand in troubled times.  

We are saved by Grace through faith 1 John 1:9, however faith without works is dead, Jas 2:20-23.  God looks for a repentant heart, thus as seen in Eph 6.14 we need to "walk in righteousness".  Does this mean we will sin no more?  No, however if we confess our sins we are forgiven and we need to repent at that same time.  

Sharing our faith with the "Gospel of Peace" (Eph 6:15) helps us to grow and become more confident.  Jesus said when we confess him before men, he will confess us before the father Math 10:32, it is at these times we feel Gods peace within our Spirit John 7:37-38. Here Jesus tells us we need to believe in him as the "Scriptures say", then we will experience the Joy of Salvation and the Holy Spirit which brings our Peace and Joy will flourish within our lives. 

Listen to Gospel music, Christian rock, hymns, contemporary music, put the worldly music behind you.  It is okay to occasionally listen to music that is non Christian, however to renew ones mind and train yourself to be Godly focused; it is far better to listen to Gospel music.  There is free music within our resource links, free bible software and so on.  We are not affiliated with the providers, consider giving a donation at least if you can afford to (to the providers), if not, that's okay I am sure the owner will receive even a bigger gift in heaven.   This site has Links to Free Bible Study Click Here many free studies which I am enjoying myself.  When you visit a web site always search for their statement of Faith, as it is important not to become mixed up in a sect etc.  

Fellowship with other Christians, love one another as Christ loves you.  Be forgiving, patient and kind, let Gods Spirit work through your life, Jesus is our example, follow in his footsteps and you will not go wrong. 
Blessings in Jesus Name 


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finding Life in Jesus

 Note - Mouse Over Bible Verse To Read

There was a Religious Leader (Pharisee) in Jesus time by the name of Nicodemus,  in our day I guess he would be a Minister, Pastor or maybe even a Pope. This guy came to Jesus at night John 3:2, my guess is he came at night as he did not want to be seen talking to Jesus due to his stature as a Pharisees.  Nicodemus acknowledged that Jesus was a Teacher from God due to the miracles that Jesus had performed also found in John 3:2

Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be Born Again John 3:3, this spun old Nic out a little and his response was how can this be?  Jesus was referring Spiritually and Nicodemus was thinking in the natural so again Nicodemus challenged this by saying how can this be John 3:9?; Jesus then reiterate's what was said that unless a man be born again he cannot enter the Kingdom of God John 3:5-8

Jesus died on the Cross and rose again on the 3rd day so that we could be saved from our sin, Jesus was and is perfect and without sin Heb 4:15. God our Heavenly Father sent his own son Jesus John 3:16, to take the penalty for the sin you and I have committed.  Heaven is a perfect place where God dwells and he detests sin thus as a just God he requires punishment to death for sin.

In God's eye looking at a woman in lust is the same as going the whole way with her Mat 5:28.  Jesus said if we are angry with our brother is guilty of sin, he tells his followers before going to the alter to go back and make peace Mat 5:24.  Jesus left us with two commandment 1st to love God with all your heart mind and soul Mat 22:37; the 2nd "is like it" to love your neighbour as yourself Mat 22:39. Take a good look at these words "all your heart, mind and soul" no wonder we are called sinners.  In Mat 5:43-44, we are even called to love our enemies and bless those that curse us, 1Cor 13:3-13 God is love.

Ok I would say by now if you have taken this in; it would have to be agreed that we have all sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. As mentioned earlier Jesus was without blemish and paid the penalty (fine) for our sins by dying on the cross.

By Jesus death and Resurrection we can be "Born Again", this calls us to die to ourselves (old nature) and be reborn into Gods Spirit.  By asking for forgiveness of our sins with intent to repent (turn around, make change) we are forgiven, by Grace we are saved Eph 2:5-8 not through works so that no one can boast plus our works would fall short e.g. not good enough

Grace and Peace be with you Wayne