Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finding Life in Jesus

 Note - Mouse Over Bible Verse To Read

There was a Religious Leader (Pharisee) in Jesus time by the name of Nicodemus,  in our day I guess he would be a Minister, Pastor or maybe even a Pope. This guy came to Jesus at night John 3:2, my guess is he came at night as he did not want to be seen talking to Jesus due to his stature as a Pharisees.  Nicodemus acknowledged that Jesus was a Teacher from God due to the miracles that Jesus had performed also found in John 3:2

Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be Born Again John 3:3, this spun old Nic out a little and his response was how can this be?  Jesus was referring Spiritually and Nicodemus was thinking in the natural so again Nicodemus challenged this by saying how can this be John 3:9?; Jesus then reiterate's what was said that unless a man be born again he cannot enter the Kingdom of God John 3:5-8

Jesus died on the Cross and rose again on the 3rd day so that we could be saved from our sin, Jesus was and is perfect and without sin Heb 4:15. God our Heavenly Father sent his own son Jesus John 3:16, to take the penalty for the sin you and I have committed.  Heaven is a perfect place where God dwells and he detests sin thus as a just God he requires punishment to death for sin.

In God's eye looking at a woman in lust is the same as going the whole way with her Mat 5:28.  Jesus said if we are angry with our brother is guilty of sin, he tells his followers before going to the alter to go back and make peace Mat 5:24.  Jesus left us with two commandment 1st to love God with all your heart mind and soul Mat 22:37; the 2nd "is like it" to love your neighbour as yourself Mat 22:39. Take a good look at these words "all your heart, mind and soul" no wonder we are called sinners.  In Mat 5:43-44, we are even called to love our enemies and bless those that curse us, 1Cor 13:3-13 God is love.

Ok I would say by now if you have taken this in; it would have to be agreed that we have all sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. As mentioned earlier Jesus was without blemish and paid the penalty (fine) for our sins by dying on the cross.

By Jesus death and Resurrection we can be "Born Again", this calls us to die to ourselves (old nature) and be reborn into Gods Spirit.  By asking for forgiveness of our sins with intent to repent (turn around, make change) we are forgiven, by Grace we are saved Eph 2:5-8 not through works so that no one can boast plus our works would fall short e.g. not good enough

Grace and Peace be with you Wayne

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